Comic Relief bundle
Retailer: Commodore International
Launched: 1993
Price on launch: £399
The Comic Relief bundle was interesting in a number of ways; from
an historical perspective it was the first A1200 bundle to be sold
world-wide; it also represents one of the few occasions that a computer
company has officially endorsed a charitable event. For every one
of the 25,000 units sold, Commodore would donate 10 UKP to Comic
Relief. At the time, Ocean were already making a donation of 4.32UKP
for every copy of SleepWalker (the official Comic Relief game) sold.
The bundle is based upon a standard 2Mb A1200, consisting of a
basic floppy-only unit for £399, or an 85MB 2.5 IDE hard drive
for £599, and featured the Sleep Walker platform game and a
special Comic Relief edition of Amiga Format. It was a successful
marketing move that showed charity does pay!
What is Comic Relief?
Comic Relief is a regular televised charity event that takes place
in the UK every few years. Money is collected through telephone
pledges and the sale of 'red noses'. This money is used to provide
aid to third world countries.
On what other occasions has the Amiga contributed to Comic
In addition to the Comic Relief bundle, Amiga Action joined the
organisers of Comic Relief by publishing a Comic Relief special
during Christmas 1995. The magazine featured a whopping four disks,
one of which was The Blues Brothers. Readers were required to telephone
a number and pledge money to Comic Relief to gain the password needed
to play the game.
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(11.5k) | View a second image of
the Comic Relief Bundle (30k) | View 85MB hard disk variant