Siamese 8-Pack
In their continued move to cheap and powerful Linux-based
systems, Siamese Systems have developed a multi-processing system
known as "8-Pack". The system is designed for ease of upgrade,
allowing up to 8 ATX motherboards to be fitted, varying from the
Alpha to the Pentium II.
True to their Amiga heritage, Siamese have aimed their system at
an alternative market that dislikes Windows, preferring the power
provided by Linux. It is designed for professional usage with the
focus being on running reliably over long periods. The 8-Pack is
designed for two main markets, the Linux Cluster community and 3D
Render farm applications. Siamese admit that these are relatively
small but see this system as an important addition that will
encourage a cost effective, yet powerful structure to produce
professional results.
The parallel-processing computer uses a high speed Ethernet
connection to share processes among the CPUs. This can be
configured to use all 8 processors on a specific task or divide the
motherboards into individual tasks, such as print handling,
debugging, or monitoring an internet connection.
What Use is it to Amiga Users?
It depends upon the task, this system is not aimed at the Amiga
market and unlike other solutions does not include a degree of
Amiga compatibility. Its market is aimed squarely at those
"Amigans" who have moved to the Linux world and require a powerful,
well built system. Several other Linux distributors are already
working on, or have released similar machines to the 8-Pack. This
is an obvious attempt to support their Amiga efforts by moving into
other, more successful markets. Buying a Linux-based system from
Siamese Systems allows them to continue Amiga development.
The Siamese Systems web site includes sample specifications and
prices on how much this would cost:
Alpha based Linux Cluster.
Main server computer plus 8-Pack case, no extra processor modules.
- Alpha 21164 LX 533mhz with 2mb cache.
- 256Mb RAM
- 16.8gb EIDE drive
- S3 Virge DX 4mb graphics.
- 2 x PCI NE2000 Ethernet cards
- 32 x IDE Cdrom drive
- Floppy, keyboard, mouse.
£ 2260.00 + VAT
Extra processor only units:
- Alpha 21164 LX 533mhz with 2mb cache.
- 256Mb RAM
- PCI NE2000 Ethernet card.
£1150.00 + VAT
- Total fully configured system with 8 Alpha's loaded.
£10,310.00 +VAT