© 1997-2006
Gareth Knight
All Rights reserved


A4000T Technical Specifications
- Motorola MC68040 25 MHz CPU
- CPU on expansion card in CPU slot
- CPU card may be removed and exchanged for a different card
- CPU card compatible with A3000T, A4000/030 and A4000/040
- 68040 25 MHz FPU - 68040 FPU emulates 68882 FPU on expansion
- 2 megabyte Chip RAM on motherboard
- Expandable to 2 megabytes 32 BIT Chip RAM
- 4 megabytes Fast RAM on motherboard
- Expandable to 16 megabytes 32 BIT Fast RAM
- Expandable using SIMM modules
- 512K ROM on motherboard
- 32 BIT architecture
- 5.25 internal drive bay
- 4 3.5 drive bays
- 2.5 drive mountable
- 3.5 1.76 megabyte internal floppy drive
- 3.5 210 megabyte SCSI II hard drive
- SCSI II hard drive controller
- Detached keyboard
- 3 button mouse
- 5 Zorro III 32 BIT Amiga internal expansion slots
- 4 IBM AT internal expansion slots
- 2 inline with 2 Zorro III slots
- Internal 32 BIT CPU expansion slot
- 2 internal 24 BIT extended video expansion slots
- 2 inline with 2 Zorro III slots
- Floor mountable tower case
- Internal 250 WATT power supply
- Internal fan - External floppy drive port
- RS-232 serial port
- Centronics parallel port
- 2 mouse/joystick ports
- 15kHz colour RGB analogue video port
- 31KHz SVGA video output
- 2 stereo audio output ports
- 53.5cm x 50.8cm x 18cm

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