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Gareth Knight
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Gary Peake discusses Amiga Inc's latest plans
Emne: AMIOPEN: Re: Shock
Fra: gary@amiga.com (Gary)
Nyhetsgrupper: ntnu.mail2news.amiga.open
Organisasjon: unknown
Dato: 2001-Apr-03 - 06:31:42
As has been discussed here several times, AmigaDe has no memory
protection. This and a couple of other issues are the reasons for
the announcement.
Basically, here is what we are doing and why:
1. Developers are starving to death and will leave unless we find a
way to help them make money fast. Dealers have the same problems.
We need more oomph to take advantage of higher fps games, etc. This
IS a multimedia platform community after all. My mail box tells us
developers and dealers need something quickly.
We can get AmigaOne and OS4.0 out by summer without losing any time
developing the DE. This is with our thanks to Haage & Partner
and Eyetech who have agreed to meet PRD's we set before them. We
could not implement this plan so quickly without their valued help.
Also we should include Hyperion who is assisting our team with a
level of GL and video capability that will enhance game developers
2. Users want new hardware. Amigas are starting to fail and frankly
it is just too expensive to start R&D for new (modified) chips
in the amounts we would probably be able to sell and just as
expensive for fabbing the older chips as well. So, off the shelf,
open designed, new machines based on PPC is the most inexpensive
way to get the Amiga user onto a newer platform.
3. Amiga users have always been partial to PPC. Dean Brown, Dave
Haynie, Mick Tinker, and Joe Torre (four of THE best and brightest
Amiga minded hardware gurus I know) are all for a PPC based
platform advance. Dave had the PiosOne design that he allowed us to
release openly to help people see what can be done with an open
hardware design based around PPC. We did not release Dave's specs
the week before the announcements by accident. It was to open
people's minds to what can be done by thinking outside the box.
Dave Haynie doesn't know what a box is. Remember, we already run on
a bog standard PC. :)
4. Our Zico base specs are an open spec based around PPC. Alan
Redhouse at Eyetech has a full plan, knows when to freeze the
design and ship, and has met our Product Requirements Document.
Dean Brown has approved his design. Dave Haynie saw it in St Louis
and thought it was cool. Joe was there also and while I didn't ask
Joe specifically for his ideas, he is open enough to have said if
he thought the design was bad. Haage & Partner have met our
PRD's on the software side. Both have excellent reputations for
actually meeting deadlines and shipping product when they say they
will. While they are contracting to us, these projects are being
managed by us now.
5. Amigade provides us with binary compatibility, distributed
processing capabilities and many otherthings we can get no where
else. This line of development will continue as previously planned.
Note: There are NO changes to what you have been told we plan to do
with AmigaDE.
6. We intend, as we have stated all along, to cover everything from
PDA's and cell phones, set top boxes, and servers. This plan allows
us to do that with ease.
7. AmigaOS will continue to be developed and will be merged into or
under AmigaDE so that we eventually have our own familiar base to
play on and it will be a full AMIGA base that is server capable and
cell phone capable as well. But we will not drop Windows and Linux
compatibility either. Think of this as adding yet
another playground for AmigaDE. It is no different from deciding to
also play on top of Be or any other OS out there. We will continue
to find playgrounds that provide us, our developers, and dealers
even more opportunities.
8. As far as splitting the community and the developers:
We have over 2,000 developers currently involved with us. Another
30 added themselves today after the news from St Louis. My mailbox
is so full I spent all day JUST answering new mails from developers
and companies wanting to come to Amiga and play and I didn't get
them all answered yet. Half of the developers are firmly in the
PDA, cell phone, and set top box camp. The other half are either
desktop oriented or want to do both. This gives everyone a place to
utilize their talents and make money.
9. Most notable request from developers I have is "please also give
us a desktop". As Bill noted in his banquet speech, he made certain
promises to me based on what Team AMIGA members (6000 plus) and
others in the community have said they want from whomever has the
Amiga name. I took this job based on those promises. Bill keeps his
10. This is a business and this is fun. We do what we do because we
want to and we can. If someone tells us we can't, we do it just to
show them we can. This is also a family. This was very evident over
the weekend. I hugged more people in St Louis than I do at a family
reunion. Bill had tears in his eyes as he talked about us losing
Bob Cosby. We care. We have to make sure our friends and family can
finally make money but we have to do it in
ways that keep us afloat as well from a business standpoint.
11. Tao Group is a great partner and is providing Amiga with
opportunities we have never been able to land before. Good business
means taking advantage of this opportunity they provide and we
intend to do that with their help and asistance.
12. Listen to the facts and ask questions here and in other Amiga
forums where we are there to answer your questions truthfully.
Don't listen to the naysayers, the hype, the conjecture, and the
innuendo of people who have no clue. We will tell you the truth.
Bad or good, you get the truth.
13. We have taken flak from certain people because they say we
provide no value. Our value is in uniting as many people as we can
into a formidable force. We can not do what we plan alone. It takes
unity, solidarity, team work. All of us must work together and
together we will slowly conquer the world ... just because we want
Gary Peake
Amiga Inc.
> G'day Luca Diana,
> On 03-Apr-01, on the subject of "AMIOPEN: Re: Shock", you
spoke thus:
> >
> > From: "Steve & Ulli Bowman" <stevebow@hotkey.net.au>
> >> I don't get that. I thought the whole point of DE was
that it was
> >> scaleable, from PDA to desktop. Maybe I've
misunderstood, but I thought
> >> once AOS5 was reached, AOS4 and DE would be
integrated under the one
> >> banner, as a single product.
> >
> > You got that right
> >
> In which way :^), that I've misunderstood everything or there
/will/ be a
> single AOS/DE product by V5?
> --
> Steve Bowman - Sydney, Australia
> "I have a really bad feeling about this."
> -- Han Solo

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